

by Amy Lowell

Why do the lilies goggle their tongues at me

When I pluck them;

And writhe, and twist,

And strangle themselves against my fingers,

So that I can hardly weave the garland

For your hair?

Why do they shriek your name

And spit at me

When I would cluster them?

Must I kill them

To make them lie still,

And send you a wreath of lolling corpses

To turn putrid and soft

On your forehead

While you dance?

Like a Halloween version of a love poem, this brings us dead flowers which struggle horribly before they are picked and need to be 'dealt with'...This is not the usual theme for a love poem but we do get the feeling that the narrator wants to show their love, it's just that it doesn't go as planned.

I really like the imagery in this poem, especially the unquiet flowers and the exasperated tone throughout. Really, this is what romance can feel like for those of us not naturally inclined to the precious flower pressed against the softened heart.

© Amanda J Harrington 2020

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